Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Crisis in Printed Circuit Board Supply Chain

"We are now facing crisis in supply of Printed Circuit Boards, impacting the price and lead-time.

To understand better the root cause, sharing the information we have compiled for your reference and study. Will keep you updated as we get more information."

20201208 | Evertiq | Is this the perform storm | Mark Goodwin []
20210311 | Evertiq | Europe needs to move faster to meet the demand []
20201218 | inconnect007 | Prices of Copper-clad Laminates continue to rise []
20210225 | Bloomberg | How High can Copper Fly ? | Jack Farchy | []
20200618 | S&P Global | Copper markets faces supply crunch | Kip Kleen []
20210319 | DigiTimes | Copper foil shortage worsens | Jane Wang, Taipei; Jessie Shen []
20210224 | DigiTimes |CCL prices may rise further later in 1H21 |Jay Liu, Taipei; Willis Ke []
20201222 | DigiTimes | PCB materials prices set to rise in 2021 | Jay Liu, Taipei; Willis Ke []
20210330 | DigiTimes | Taiwan CCL makers to raise quotes by 15-20% in April | Jay Liu, Taipei; Willis Ke []

That's it !

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