Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sharpen rising and falling edges | EDN

"Wherever you find a digital control signal, you find sharp rising and falling edges that need characterization. These edges occur on switching power supplies that drive power MOSFETS and they occur in logic gates. Unless your measurement system—oscilloscope and probe—have sufficient bandwidth and sample rate.

POL (point of load) switching regulators have reached 1nS edge speed and off-the-shelf high-speed logic gates, such as the NC7SZ04, have rise times of roughly 500 pSec. While many engineers measure edges on these components, they are likely getting incorrect results. The right system bandwidth will result in cleaner, more accurate measurements."

Source: Sharpen rising and falling edges | EDN:

Excellent article which demonstrates the bandwidth requirements of an O'scope to properly measure signals with 1nS or faster rising and falling edges.

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